Home Activities Training Videos

M3AAWG offers a series of varied and practical courses at each of our general meetings to help members stay current on changing technologies and improve their skills.  The topics range from detailed how-to presentations on anti-abuse methodologies to personal development and group facilitation skills. 

Extending the reach of the professional courses presented at our general meetings we have provided some of the previous courses with recognized experts here and more videos are available on the M3AAWG YouTube channel.

There are several complete one-to-two hour courses presented on this website in 15-to-40 minute segments. Click on the course title below for details, to download the course slides and to view the videos.

Techniques, Tools and Processes to Help Service Providers Clean Malware from Subscriber Systems

with Barry Greene, service provider security
              and operational security reaction team expert - link to page

with Barry Greene, service provider security
and operational security reaction team expert

DMARC Training Series

with Michael Adkins, M3AAWG Co-Vice Chairman & DMARC.org member (left)
              and Paul Midgen, DMARC.org - DMARC Training Series - link to page

with Michael Adkins, M3AAWG Co-Vice Chairman & DMARC.org member (left)
and Paul Midgen, DMARC.org

M3AAWG Canadian Anti-spam Legislation (CASL) Training Videos (June 2011)

with André Leduc, Industry Canada Policy Advisor (on left)
              and Shaun Brown, Counsel, nNovation LLP - headshot - link to page

with André Leduc, Industry Canada Policy Advisor (on left)
and Shaun Brown, Counsel, nNovation LLP


M3AAWG IPv6 Training for Senders & Others

with Joe St Sauver, M3AAWG Sr. Technical Advisor - headshot - link to page

with Joe St Sauver, M3AAWG Sr. Technical Advisor


DKIM Implementation

with Dave Crocker, M3AAWG Senior Technical Advisor Principal, Brandenburg InternetWorking

with Dave Crocker, M3AAWG Senior Technical Advisor Principal, Brandenburg InternetWorking 


Murray Kucherawy, primary author of both Sendmail libdkim and OpenDKIM headshot



and Murray Kucherawy, primary author of both Sendmail libdkim and OpenDKIM